Sabtu, 22 April 2017



Compare and contrast essays are multi-paragraph compositions that explain ways in which two (or, very occasionally, more) subjects are similar or different. In these papers, compare means describing similarities between the subjects. When we are comparing Uberman and Catman, we might describe their tragic backstories, their secret double lives, and their fondness for crime fighting. Basically, the comparison tells what they have in common.

Are these 2 things similar and/or different, in at least one meaningful way?

If you want to write a successful compare/contrast essay, you'll need to avoid writing about really obvious differences and similarities.  For example:
  • We all know that horses are larger than cats.
  • We also know that basketball teams contain less players than football teams.
Tell us something we don't know (or might not notice)!
It would be better to write about how sensitive both horses and cats are to human needs and emotions.  You could also suggest that though both basketball and football require a lot of teamwork, basketball players are expected to be a lot more versatile than football players.
You don't have to be a genius to write an interesting compare/contrast essay--you just have to look at ordinary things in a new wa


1. Use your brainstorming ideas to fill in your outline. Once you’ve outlined your essay, it should be fairly simple to find evidence for your arguments. Look at the lists and diagrams you generated to help you find the evidence for your comparisons and contrasts.
  • If you are having trouble finding evidence to support your argument, go back to your original texts and try the brainstorming process again. It could be that your argument is evolving past where it started, which is good! You just need to go back and look for further evidence.

2. Remember to explain the “why.” A common error many writers make is to let the comparisons and contrasts “speak for themselves,” rather than explaining why it’s helpful or important to put them together. Don’t just provide a list of “ways Topic A and Topic B are similar and different.” In your body paragraphs as well as your conclusion, remind your readers of the significance of your evidence and argument.
  • For example, in a body paragraph about the quality of ingredients in frozen vs. homemade pizza, you could close with an assertion like this: “Because you actively control the quality of the ingredients in pizza you make at home, it can be healthier for you than frozen pizza. It can also let you express your imagination. Pineapple and peanut butter pizza? Go for it! Pickles and parmesan? Do it! Using your own ingredients lets you have fun with your food.” This type of comment helps your reader understand why the ability to choose your own ingredients makes homemade pizza better.  

3. Come up with a title. “Essay Number One” may say exactly what the paper is, but it’s not going to win any points for style. A good essay title will preview something about the paper’s argument or topic. Depending on your audience and the situation, you may make a joke or a pun, ask a question, or provide a summary of your main point.

4. Take a break. One of the most common mistakes student writers make is to not give themselves enough time to take a step back from their essays for a day or two. Start early so that you can let your finished draft sit for a day, or at least a few hours. Then, come back to it with fresh eyes. You’ll find it easier to see holes in your logic or organizational flaws if you’ve had time to take a break.
  • Reading your essay aloud can also help you find problem spots. Often, when you’re writing you get so used to what you meant to say that you don’t read what you actually said.

Review your essay. Look out for any grammatical errors, confusing phrasing, and repetitive ideas. Look for a balance in your paper: you should provide about the same amount of information about each topic to avoid bias. Here are some things to consider before you turn in your paper:
  • Avoid bias. Don't use overly negative or defamatory language to show why a subject is unfavorable; use solid evidence to prove your points instead.
  • Avoid first-person pronouns unless told otherwise. In some cases, your teacher may encourage you to use “I” and “you” in your essay. However, if the assignment or your teacher doesn’t mention it, stick with third-person instead, like “one may see” or “people may enjoy.” This is common practice for formal academic essays.
  • Proofread! Spelling and punctuation errors happen to everyone, but not catching them can make you seem lazy. Go over your essay carefully, and ask a friend to help if you’re not confident in your own proofreading skills.
I will give you example, Here I will explain the compare and contrast of aluminum and Aurum
 Compare and contrast Al with Au
               1. Conductor
               2. Easy to force
               3. Intangible solid
               4. Corrosion resistant

               b. Aurum
                   1. The atomic number 79 
                   2. Colored metallic yellow
                   3. Strong oxidizing agents
                   4. The amount is a bit in nature

               a. Aluminium
                   1. The atomic number 13
                   2. Colored white
                   3. Strong reductor agent
                   4. The numbers are plentyin nature

     Double Bubble Maps  
               Map to declare compare Al and Au in the center, while the contrast on Al is on the left and Au is on the right.


9 komentar:

  1. Mention the source of aluminum in nature and how to manufacture it?


    1. Aluminum is an element that belongs to a class of three with Boron, which is found in many parts of the earth's crust. Its 8% crust composition is aluminum. This element can react with other elements, and is widely used as a household tool. Here are some benefits of aluminum.

      Good heat conduction. Because it is a powerful reducer, aluminum is widely used as a kitchen tool to deliver hot flame in cooking. In addition, aluminum is also widely used in electrical components because it can conduct heat.

      Anti-rust coating. In addition to being a good conductor of heat, aluminum is used as a cooking utensil because it is an anti-rust coating. Lots of lubricants or paint that use aluminum alloy to prevent mold and rust

  2. What causes corrosion, can it be overcome?


    1. Corrosion occurs because of the reaction between the metal and the substances around it. In rust, rust can occur because moist air (oxygen and water) corrodes (reacts) to the iron so that a new substance appears, reddish brown solids.

      Corrosion event itself is an electrochemical process, namely a process (change / chemical reaction) that involves the flow of electricity. Part of iron acts as a negative pole (negative electrode, anode), while the other part as a positive pole (positive electrode, cathode). Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode, resulting in corrosion events.
      Here are some ways you can do to prevent / slow down corrosion:
      Paint can prevent direct contact between iron and moist air so that it can slow corrosion. This method is usually done on doors, fences, iron pipes, and others.
      Oil with oil
      Oil-lubricating can prevent direct contact with water and moisture. This method is usually done on tools and machines.
      Wrapped with plastic
      This method is commonly used for example on a dish rack and bicycle basket.
      Tin Plating
      Tin plating is coating with tin. This method is usually done on tin packaging because tin is an anti-rust metal.
      Galvanizing is coating with zinc. This is done because zinc is also an anti-rust metal. For example on: electric poles or telephone poles, water papa, and fences.
      Cromium Plating
      Cromium Plating is coating using chromium. Just like zinc, chromium can provide protection against corrosion even if there is a broken chromium layer. This way is usually done on bikes and bumper cars

  3. Why is gold or aurum said as a precious metal?


    1. Because gold and aurum are metals that are resistant to corrosion or oxidation

  4. How to avoid mistakes at writing compare and contrast?

    1. By increasing accuracy in comparative and experimental writing

  5. What are the Differences of Oxidants and Reducers With Examples?


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